Recruitment of Japanese language volunteers etc.

We are looking for Japanese language volunteers and Japanese language teachers to help foreign residents learn Japanese.
The following municipalities accept registration for Japanese language volunteer etc. in the prefecture.

Recruitment of Japanese language volunteers

Implemented course (contact information)ContentURL
Miyazaki International Foundation
Support Japanese learning for foreign residents through Japanese practice sessions and local Japanese classes.https://www.mif.or.jp/jp-e-learning/
Miyazaki City International Association
You will support Japanese language learning at the Japanese class with everyone.https://www.miyazaki-mcia.jp/2023/02/post-654/
Miyakonojo International Association
Support foreign residents in learning Japanese through Japanese practice sessions.https://www.miyakonojo-mia.com/classes.html
Kobayashi City Hall Regional Revitalisation Division
Support learning Japanese for foreign residents in local Japanese language classes.
Chikyujin Base
Wouldn’t you like to meet with people from lots of countries, while learning Japanese and participating in international exchange activites.chikyujinbase.com
Kawaminami Japanese Language Class
TEL : 080-3711-4326
Email : kawaminamijapan@gmail.com
Please participate in inter-cultural activities and help foreign residents with Japanese conversation.

Recruitment of Japanese language teachers.

Implemented course (contact information)ContentURL
Miyakonojo City Regional Promotion Division Internationalisation Promotion Office
We support those who are struggling with their Japanese communication.https://www.city.miyakonojo.miyazaki.jp/soshiki/16/51661.html
Chikyujin Base
Japanese language education support, making a curriculum, classroom management, and more.chikyujinbase.com
Kawaminami Japanese Language Class
TEL : 080-3711-4326
Email : kawaminamijapan@gmail.com
Please create Japanese language instructions and curriculums for the management of Japanese languages classes.